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Who We Are

A Bilingual & Multiple Intelligences Preschool

The cornerstone of a child’s future is deeply rooted in the quality of their early education and nurturing care received during their formative years.  At Apricot Academy, we recognise this and understand that children’s development and learning do not occur solely within the confines of a classroom.  It’s a shared journey that involves the home environment too.  As a result, we ardently advocate for and encourage parental involvement, aiming to provide a comprehensive and enriching early learning experience for our young learners.

Instead of the traditional rote learning techniques, Apricot Academy wholeheartedly embraces Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences, supported by an Inquiry-based Approach and Project-based curriculum.  This strategy empowers our students to observe, inquire, explore, and truly understand their world.  It fuels curiosity and inspires the joy of learning, equipping them with the necessary skills to delve into their interests and excel.

We are steadfastly committed to superior quality in development and education.  Thus, we have gathered a team of deeply passionate, empathetic, and exceptionally qualified teachers.  Each member of our team stands ready and enthusiastic to deliver peerless care, guidance, and education, sparking the inner brilliance in every child we serve.

"Learning is not a one-size-fits-all model. Each of us is unique, and our intelligences are unique - we must honour this diversity to unlock potential."

The Apricot Story

As far back as the 4th century B.C., the distinguished Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu depicted a serene scene of Confucius instilling wisdom among his students in a peaceful grove of apricot trees. The apricot, emblematic of resilience and enduring beauty, has stirred the hearts of eminent Chinese poets and artists for millennia, sparking profound creativity, even in the face of the harshest winters.

Esteemed scholars and physicians revered the potent seeds of this tenacious fruit, utilising them to craft traditional Chinese medicine. Even today, the term “Experts of the Apricot Grove” serves as an enduring tribute to the wisdom and expertise of physicians.

Inspired by this storied legacy, we at Apricot Academy envision each child as a burgeoning apricot blossom, on the cusp of revealing its distinct splendour. Our greatest honour and commitment are to nurture these nascent blossoms, championing their individual growth and equipping them with the knowledge and values necessary to positively shape and contribute to our society. Like the robust apricot, our mission is to cultivate individuals who will flourish and leave a meaningful imprint, regardless of the challenges and changes they may encounter in their life’s seasons.

In this endeavour, we remain steadfastly dedicated to the cultivation of independent, young talents, grooming them into active, life-long learners and compassionate members of society. We adopt a unique, progressive curriculum tailored to every child’s unique learning style, fostering their multiple intelligences in a bilingual learning environment. Our dedicated educators, the esteemed “Experts of the Apricot Grove,” are devoted to guiding every child on this journey, ensuring they are well-equipped to thrive in their own gardens of knowledge.

And so, the Apricot Academy story continues, fostering the growth and development of each child, one apricot blossom at a time.

Our Brand Philosophy

Igniting Brilliance through Multiple Intelligences

Our journey at Apricot Academy is rooted in a rich legacy inspired by the resilience and enduring beauty of the apricot. As each apricot blossom finds its way to bloom, irrespective of the seasons, we see the same potential in every child to flourish and make a difference in their unique way.

Drawing from this legacy and guided by Howard Gardner’s influential theory of Multiple Intelligences, our brand philosophy places emphasis on celebrating and nurturing the distinct potential and diverse intelligences inherent in every child. We seamlessly integrate this innovative educational approach with our comprehensive bilingual curriculum, fostering a vibrant, intellectually stimulating environment. This empowers our young learners to explore and fully express their unique abilities and talents, just as each apricot tree manifests its beauty in its unique blossom.

Through this unique pedagogy, we not only fuel self-confidence but also encourage intellectual diversity and instil an appreciation for global cultures. Our distinct educational philosophy, like the esteemed “Experts of the Apricot Grove,” combines wisdom, care, and expertise to develop well-rounded individuals who are prepared to thrive in an increasingly globalised world.

Just as the apricot endures and blooms in all seasons, at Apricot Academy, we strive to ignite the inherent brilliance in every child, equipping them to shine brightly, irrespective of the challenges they face. This harmonious blend of diverse intelligences and cultural competency ensures that our learners are ready to make a positive and lasting impact on the world.

"Children's innate curiosity and desire to learn form the foundational pillars of our Multiple Intelligence and inquiry-based learning approach. These are the sparks that ignite the flame of knowledge."

Our Core Values

Igniting Brilliance through Multiple Intelligences

Our core values serve as the compass that directs our actions, influences our decisions, and lays the groundwork for our young learners’ futures. At Apricot Academy, we believe in the unique potential of each child and commit ourselves to nurturing that potential.

Here's what we firmly believe

Strengths and Virtues

Every child can harness their inherent strengths and virtues, which are stepping stones towards personal growth and development.


Every child is an individual, rich with unique traits that set them apart. We celebrate this diversity and the richness it brings to our learning community.

Learning Styles

Every child has a distinct learning style that resonates with their unique intelligence. We tailor our educational approach to accommodate these diverse styles, optimising the learning experience for each child.

Potential to Learn

Every child possesses the innate capacity to learn and absorb knowledge. We create an environment that nurtures this ability, fostering a love for learning that can last a lifetime.

Respect and Embrace

Every child has the ability to respect and appreciate the unique qualities of others. We foster a culture of acceptance and respect, encouraging our learners to embrace diversity and cultivate empathy.

Our Vision

Cultivating Lifelong Learners

Our vision at Apricot Academy is to cultivate independent, dynamic talents who will blossom into active lifelong learners and compassionate contributors to society.

Nurturing Independent Talents

In our quest to achieve this vision, we endeavour to foster a sense of independence in each child, which goes beyond the ability to do things alone; it encompasses the cultivation of critical thinking, self-confidence, and problem-solving skills. We aim to nurture young talents who can question, explore, create, and ultimately make informed decisions.

Fostering Lifelong Learners

We strive to instil a love for learning that transcends the classroom and extends into every facet of life. By nurturing curiosity, encouraging exploration, and celebrating discovery, we strive to shape lifelong learners who view the world around them with wonder and the desire to understand it better. At Apricot Academy, learning is not a task but a joyful and exciting journey of discovery.

Cultivating Caring Members of Society

At Apricot Academy, we believe that education should extend beyond academics to embrace character development and social responsibility. We foster empathy, kindness, and respect in our learners, guiding them to appreciate diversity and value community. Our aim is to nurture not just learners, but caring individuals who understand their role in the larger society and contribute positively to it.

Our Mission

Igniting Brilliance at Apricot Academy

Our mission at Apricot Academy is to forge a collaborative partnership with parents, early childhood educators, and society as a whole. Our focus lies in equipping every child who walks through our doors with the essential tools they need to cultivate their own thriving garden of knowledge.

At Apricot Academy, we strive to ignite the brilliance in every child.  We believe in creating an engaging, nurturing environment that encourages exploration, promotes curiosity, and respects individuality.  Every child is given the freedom and the means to sow the seeds of their knowledge, fostering a love for learning and enabling them to reap the benefits of their intellectual growth.  By bridging the gap between home, school, and the wider world, we aspire to create a seamless learning journey that empowers our young learners to flourish in all aspects of life.

Our Goals

Inspiring Growth and Excellence at Apricot Academy

At Apricot Academy, we are committed to providing premium, high-quality programmes within a safe, healthy, and stimulating environment for every child.

At Apricot Academy, we aim to inspire growth and excellence in each child. By merging our premium educational programmes with a nurturing environment, we empower our young learners to explore their potential, inspire their curiosity, and foster their development. We place paramount importance on creating a secure and healthy atmosphere where children can thrive, ensuring that our students not only feel safe but also feel valued, respected, and motivated to learn.

Our Team

At Apricot Academy, our team transcends the traditional definition of ‘professionals’. We are a vibrant community of devoted educators who are steadfast in our commitment to ignite a love for learning, nurture individual growth, and sculpt the future leaders of tomorrow.

A Fusion of Experience and Passion

At Apricot Academy, the strength of our school lies in the collective expertise and dedication of our team. We are fortunate to house a community of professionals, each enriching our academy with their individual proficiency and shared commitment to our educational ethos.

Guardians of Experience

Our team is an assembly of experienced teachers, all esteemed in the realm of early childhood education. Their diverse experiences in curricular development, pedagogical strategies, and operational management bring a broad array of knowledge and refined acumen to our academy. The richness of their backgrounds and the depth of their experiences have led to the creation and continuous enhancement of our uniquely progressive curriculum.

Educators with Heart

Each team member at Apricot Academy harbours a profound passion for education. They are ardent supporters of our Multiple Intelligences and Bilingual approach and possess an unshakeable belief in the transformative influence of personalised, comprehensive early education. This fervour is evident in their dedication to nurturing every child’s unique potential, recognising and catering to their distinct intelligences.

Perpetual Learners

Understanding the ever-evolving nature of education, our team holds steadfast to the commitment of lifelong learning. They routinely participate in professional development programmes, staying abreast of the latest research, pedagogical trends, and best practices in the field of early childhood education. Their commitment to continued growth translates into an ever-improving educational experience for our students.

Caregivers Beyond the Classroom

Our team members are not just educators; they are caregivers who understand the significant impact of early childhood experiences on a child’s development. They are dedicated to ensuring that each child’s journey at Apricot Academy is not only educational but also enriching and positive. They take the time to understand each child’s unique needs, building strong relationships that extend beyond the classroom.